Curve Game

On Sunday, May 17 we decided to take the kids to a curve game. We really like the Altoona Ballpark and always have a good time. When we got there for the 2:00 game, we found out they were having a double-header because Saturday's game was rained-out..Sweet! Two games for the price of one. We got bleacher seats out in left field and they were for Ava to run around and not many people at all. The bullpen for the visiting team was right next to us and this worked out well for Andy because players threw him two game balls! He was very sweet, because a bunch of boys had gathered nearby to try to get a ball, and Andy gave his 2nd game ball to one of them...Nice! The weather was a little cooler and cloudy, which was ok with me! The kids got their picture taken with Diesel Dog and Steamer and ate lots of goodies (as did Tim and I!) We had a great day and the kids were exhausted;)


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