{ Que Classic 5K }

Well, this was mine and Tim's first 5K since we started running a few months ago.  This was the Conemaugh Que 5K Classic at the Quemahoning Dam on September 29, 2012.  It was very chilly when we arrived and had some time to kill, and stay warm!  The race began at 9:00.  My only goal was to finish, and Tim wanted to come in under 30 minutes.  The run was really beautiful, (from what I remember, truly, I was so focused on just breathing steady, finding the 1/2 point, and then the finish)...Tim was my pace car (I'm sure he would have finished better if he didn't wait for me), but it was great!  I even slowed enough to take a picture of him nearing the finish line (which is why I finished as late as I did, or at least that's my story!)  He finished at exactly 30:00 (seriously!), while I finished at 30:21, with emphasis on FINISHED! (in my age group of 30-39, I was 26th out of 62 overall).  I was so happy to have done this, not trying to win it, but to just get off of my ass and do it!!!  More 5Ks to come!!!


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