Merry Christmas...

no snow for Christmas, but chilly...

two large piles of gifts and two full stockings (Spider man for Andy, Hello Kitty for Ava)...

Ava: Ever After High dolls, leggings, shirts, boots (several), the movie Maleficent, a singing Elsa doll, lots of Frozen things, and of course, Isabelle, the American Girl doll of the year.  For some reason, she wasn't in Ava's pile of gifts, but in Andy's; there was a note on it from Santa, asking him to please give the box to his sister, as he knew she would "snoop"!!  Clever Santa!

Andy: bacon body wash/body spray/toothpaste, anything soccer/World cup, PlayStation games, Pitts. Pirates flag, new baseball cleats, clothes, and a taco bell t-shirt.

Merry Christmas, 2014!


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