Catch up...
Okay, it's been a few days, so let's catch you up..Andy's team, the Angels, is currently 7-0! Our first game, against the Red Sox, was played in two parts 4/14 (called for darkness) and finished 4/19 which ended 10-2 (us), but was protested by the we must play it again (yeah). 4/18 we won 8-3 vs. the Pirates, 4/23 we won 8-7 vs. the D. Rays, 4/25 we won 17-1 vs. the Pirates, 4/26 we won 5-1 vs. the A's, 4/28 we won 14-1 vs. the Red Sox, and finally 5/2 we won 8-4 vs. the Rockies. Okay, so you are caught up with baseball thus far, with our next game to be played Tuesday, 5/5 at 5:00 vs. the D. Ray's. The games have been very exciting (with Andy pitching and also playing shortstop), but they have also been very wet! So much rain lately...
This weekend I also ended up getting a new car! It is a 2009 Subaru Outback and it is very cool! The kids (and I) miss the van, especially the DVD player, but the car is great. Yesterday, Ava and I went to a mother-daughter dinner at Nana's church. Bridget and Angel also went. We had a great time and the kids had a blast. The food was very yummy, too!
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