{ Happy 11th Birthday, Andy! }

We have been able to celebrate Andy's birthday at the exact time he was born on August 15, 2000, which is 12:26 pm.  This year, we were on the move, but we still celebrated by having a gob with a candle for him to blow out.  We were in Martinsburg buying a trailer and were able to pull over into a Burger King parking lot to celebrate!  Hey, it worked!  One of Andy's favorite gifts was a real Harry Potter wand from Aunt Jen and Uncle Joe.  Up to this point he had a stick from the woods with duct tape for the handle, so this wand is pretty great!  He and I have gone to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2 twice (in 3-D) and it is incredible!!  He ended up getting ANOTHER iPod touch from Dad and I because he had his in the pocket of his swim trunks at the beach and went into the ocean with it...ruined.  The next gift was a new cell phone, an LG Envi, which has a keyboard for texting, which he loves!  Happy Birthday, Andy!!


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