{ Dining Room Re-Do }
"Before" with white, yes white, carpet.
"Before"...hello there, Andy!
"During"...ripping up the carpet and padding.
"During"....ripping out all of the staples that held the padding down...hundreds of them!
"During"...okay, ready to put the laminate hardwood down.
"During"....laying the boards.
"After"...Love it!
Tim and I came home from the Vampire 5K run and he mentioned about getting all of the furniture out of the dining room so we could start ripping up the carpet. So while he and Andy were outside doing yard work, I put all of the furniture on sliders (buffet, pantry, hutch, table, etc.) and cleared the room! So they came back in and we began ripping up the carpet..wow, at this point, my back is on fire from the race + kneeling to rip a few hundred staples out of the floor (seriously, why so many staples, like one every 2 inches!!) Andy was a huge help here! After the carpet and padding were up, we swept/vacuumed the room and got ready to lay the first piece of laminant flooring. Once we started, it actually went pretty fast, sort of. Tim had to cut most end pieces to fit, and then we had to work aroung corners/edges. Once done, we had to go around and get all of the wedges out from between the wall and the flooring; that sucked. Those wedges were, well, wedged, very hard in there and were a b#$%& to get out!! Once that was done, we had to replace all of the edging and move the furniture back in. This was quite a day, I'm ready for a cold beverage if you know what I mean, and some Advil.
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