{ Finally...She Has Earrings ! }
{ Before... }
{ During... }
{ After... }
Last week Ava said that she would like to get her ears pierced.... again. Not sure if you remember the first go around with earrings...I took her to the Piercing Pagoda and there was only one person "on duty" to pierce ears, so she could only do one ear at a time..sure, why not? Well, after the first ear was pierced, Ava would have no more. It tooks days to convince her to go back to get the second ear pierced, and she was not happy about it, not one bit. Then, within days they were massively infected and I couldn't even touch them to clean them until she was unconscious each evening! Good times. So we ended up taking them out and letting them close. So when she said she was ready to go again, Tim and I were surprised and both expected her to change her mind as soon as she sat down in the piercing chair. We started at Claire's until we found out there was only one girl there....moving on. We headed over to the Piercing Pagoda and there were 2 young girls there..Yeah, step one complete! Ava sat right down, and they put her hair back and got the marker dots on her ears...step 2! They both had their ear-"guns" ready and behind their backs and moved in...they got them into position, counted one, two, and went on two....earrings in....step 3! Ava looked stunned and I wasn't sure what she was going to do...laugh, cry, faint? She did great..stood up and looked in the mirror and loved them!!! She had picked little diamond-like studs and they look great on her. We are now a week out and they look great and she says they don't hurt much.....way to go, Bean!
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