{ First Holy Communion Preparations }

Ava will make her first Holy Communion in April and so we had a retreat at the church this past Sunday.  We watched a movie (poor Noni ) and then Ava made a few things that will go on the banner that will mark her church pew for communion.  She made a family shield with pictures of her talent (walking on the balance beam), her parents jobs (me at a table coloring with a child and hockey sticks and puck to represent Tim's building of hockey rinks), the beach (something that represents special family time), and a lamb (to represent her faith).  She did a beautiful job with it.  She also had to make a pretzel shape with a pipe cleaner for her banner (which I did for her, and honestly, not very well at all), then she got to make a real pretzel, out of real dough.  This went with the video, about making bread with family, and the three openings in the pretzel represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Also, unlevened bread (like her pretzel) was often eaten during lent for fasting.  It was two hours well spent learning about our faith getting ready for her to make her first Holy Communion.


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